Merry Christmas 2011

We wish all of our customers, partners, fellow knowledge management and strategy professionals and friends a Merry Christmas. Thank you for all positive response, encouragement, support and exciting assignments.

With the holiday season upon us and the end of the year approaching, it is time for a reflection on the past year – our second year with VQ.

VQ Legal

This year we focused quite a lot on the launch of VQ Legal – our legal service for standard document packages. VQ Legal is a new legally intelligent and efficient solution for creating all relevant documents for a specific matter with a content that is updated and quality assured by our partners Bolagsrätt Sundsvall and Elmzell Advokatbyrå, with English translations by TransLegal. During spring we launched VQ Legal more widely with corporate law matters and quite soon we had several major law firms as customers. In October we expanded the service with labour law documents as well as a special e-service for direct registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Sw. Bolagsverket). We have also used the VQ Legal platform to provide customized and integrated solutions for several customers.

VQ Knowledge and Strategy Forum

For the second time we arranged VQ Knowledge and Strategy Forum, this year with key note speaker professor Richard Susskind, accompanied by several internationally influential speakers, providing their predictions on the changing legal marketplace and their different views on the future for law firms and the legal profession ,which gave rise to rather heated discussions from time to time. The forum was a huge success and rendered a large interest in both Swedish and international media. Here are some of the articles reporting from the forum:

LegalTech New York and Legal IT Forum London

In the beginning of the year we attended Legal Tech New York, which is regarded as “the most important legal technology event of the year”, to capture legal market trends, new products, technical solutions and developments. VQ Founder Helena Hallgarn was also among the delegates specially invited to attend Legal IT Forum London in October. The theme this year for this invitation only conference focused on how to build the perfect law firm, if you had the possibility to start from scratch?

VQ articles

In addition to the media coverage of VQ Forum, there were other international articles regarding VQ and VQ Legal, such as Outsell Insights analysis of the knowledge management service VQ Legal and how it follows the international trends in VQ Legal – Legal Knowledge Engineering Comes to Sweden and Swedish articles such as Legally Business article Ny start för juristmarknaden. VQ also had an article published in the International In-house Counsel Journal – The Digital Associate – about changing prerequisites for the legal profession and how the technological developments will provide new groundbreaking opportunities to make efficient use of computers in legal work.

VQ 2012

For next year, we look forward to further expansion of the legal service VQ Legal, a new VQ Knowledge and Strategy Forum and exciting consultancy assignments. VQ will also participate as speakers at these events next year:

  • IBC Euroforum Bolagsjuristen (in-house counsel) Conference, 21 – 22 February 2012
  • Stockholm University Master Course The Future of Legal Services, 7 March 2011
  • LawTech Futures 2012 – The Future of Legal Technology, London, 15 March 2012



Helena Hallgarn and Ann Björk, VQ
